he Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival Inc. (THNFI) will be hosting its 61st year celebrating Transcona on June 6, 7, 8, 2025!!!


The THNFI is a non-profit organization made up of a volunteer Board of Directors.  Our mission is to serve and celebrate community, connect people, strengthen families and promote inclusion, diversity, education and information. Our organization relies solely on sponsorship by businesses, fundraising and donations from the community. We are the largest community festival in the City of Winnipeg.

Our focus is to provide a community event which supports inclusion regardless of ethnicity, religion, age or economic position.  All are welcome to enjoy this free event which includes:

  • Live children’s entertainment, face painting, balloon artistry, glitter tattoos, numerous mascots and Disney princesses!

There will be many more exciting updates in the next few months, like our Facebook page to ensure you don’t miss out on any of the action.

It takes many volunteers to plan and execute an event of this size.  Annually we receive assistance from anywhere between 75 to 100 student and adult volunteers.  If you are interested in helping, please visit our website and complete a volunteer application form!

Anyone interested in donating or sponsoring this fantastic, historical community event, please also visit our website or contact us directly by email.

With your help, we hope to make the 2019 Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival a tremendous community event.